Thursday 29 December 2011

New T-Shirt Moustache

Wow, I haven't drawn on a T-Shirt in a while,
Wow, ca faisait un baille que je n'avais pas dessiné sur un T-Shirt,
Xmas is a good escuse.
Noel ma donné une bonne excuse.
Here is my Dad's Xmas present:
Voici le cadeau de noël de mon père:
A T-Shirt to calm down young Hipsters
In T-shirt pour calmer les jeune "Hipsters"
with brand new Moustache.
Portant une moustache flambant neuve.
It says:
Il est ecrit:

I had a Moustache before MAGNUM, P.I.

J'ai eu une moustache avant MAGNUM

You probably need to know
Vous avez probablement besoin de savoir
That my dad has a massive moustache since the 70's.
Que mon père a une énorme moustache depuis plus de 25 ans.
As you can clearly see on this pic of him holding 
Comme vous pouvez le voir sur cette photo de lui portant
The hand made Cigar Box guitare I made him:
La Guitare faite main que je lui ai faite.

Thursday 24 November 2011

Tube sketches

Here's a selection of  sketches of people sleeping or reading in the London tube. 
Voila une selection de crobars de gens qui dorment ou lisent dans le metro londonien
They were all made in the morning while going to work,
Je les ai tous dessiné le matin en allant au taf, 
Or in the night while coming back from the pub. 
Ou le soir en rentrant du Pub.
In usually less then a minute,  depending of how deeply asleep they were...
Generalement en moins d'une minute selon a quel point ils dormaient....

Tuesday 18 October 2011

McBaise & Moule

As part of the folding knife exhibition at the book club a few month ago, 
Comme participation a l'expo "Folding Knife" il y a qq mois,
I did this lovely drawings of McBess and Mooe.
J'ai fait ce charmant dessin de McBess et Mooe.
Can we call that fan art?
Es-ce qu'on peut appeler ca un "Fan Art"
You can see the exhibition pictures here.
Vous pouvez voir toute les photo de l'expo, ici.

Thursday 6 October 2011

Goodbye Mr Jobs

Steve Jobs died yesterday night. 
Goodbye Mr Jobs. Thanks for everything.

Monday 26 September 2011

Monster in the forest - Miniature

Here is my contribution to this month Salle Polyvalente theme:
Voila ma contribution la Salle Polyvalente, ce mois ci le theme est:

Monsters of the forest. 
Les Monstres de la foret.

I tried something new,
J'ai tester quelque chose de nouveau,
A kind of miniature.
Une sorte de miniature.
The drawing is 10x10cm on a 30x30cm.
Le dessin fait 10x10cm sur un 30x30cm.
Click on the image to see it bigger.
Cliquez dessus pour la voir en plus grand.

Tuesday 13 September 2011


Ok, Just for once I'm gonna post something I have nothing to do with!

Celine (Groovy Sushi) just finished here Short Film: CountDown.

It is absolutely brilliant.

2 years in the making, almost totally on her own. And it shows: Each frame is a Master Piece!
Each shot is beautifully framed, coloured and animated.  She manages to give us emotion about steal and computers. Using the greatest character of all: a space rocket!

I followed the process during those 2 years and I'm still Surprised and Amazed. It's the best short film I've seen in a while.

She says " I must also quote the speech of JFK (​watch?v=6z1DidldxUo )"  where JFK says "we choose to go to the moon [...] and do those other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard". Anyone in Animation will know that what she has done is definitively NOT EASY so:

Congrat Celine!

Here is the link:

Directing/design/animation/composting : Céline Desrumaux
Additionnal character animation : Florent Remize
Music : "Granulard bastard" from Apprat.

Céline :​
Florent :​
Music :

Thursday 25 August 2011

I Made A Fucking Guitar

Ok, so. It's my Dad's birthday.
Ok, Alors, C'est l'anniversaire de mon père.
I thought "Fuck It, I'll make him a Guitar"
Je me suis dis "Merde, Je vais lui faire une guitare"
After a few weeks of research and talks with my friend Elliott
Apres qq semaines de recherche et de discutions avec mon Elliott
(Who had the same stupid idea)
(qui avait eu la même idée stupide)
We decided to make Cigar Box Guitar.
On a decide de fabriquer une CigarBoxGuitar.
It's a perfect tribute to the history behind Blues and Guitar.
C'est en homage a l'histoire du blues et de la guitare.

In good, blues and States tradition it came with a Beer BottleNeck, 
En bonne tradition Blue et Ricaine, elle venait avec un BottleNeck
And a Bottle of Kentucky Bulleit Bourbon Whiskey.
Et une bouteille de Whiskey du Kentucky.

I asked McBess from the Dead Pirates,
J'ai demandé a McBess des Dead Pirates,
To take it for a ride, 
De l'essayer,
That's how it sounds:
Voila ce que ça donne:

Since I had to deliver it to Mexico,
Comme je devais l'emmener au Mexique
I also decided to make a case.
J'ai décidé de lui fabriquer une caisse.
I made it in the shape of a Giant CigarBox.
Je l'ai faite de la forme d'une boite à cigare geante.
The Man I Draw on it,
Le mec que j'ai dessiné dessus,
Is Robert Johnson
c'est Robert Johnson
A legend of the Blues.
Une légende du Blues

Here's the case:
Voila la caisse:

And a Making Of:

All the Tools

Cut the Neck

Build the Head

The Inside

FretBoard and Nut


Glueing the pickups

Murdered Guitar

Wednesday 27 July 2011

The Folding Knife - Contribution

Here are some of the drawings I made for the The Folding Knife exhibition.

Saturday 23 July 2011

The Folding Knife @ the bookclub

McBess's doing an exibition at the BookClub, london,
McBess expose au BookClub a londres,

And asked ME and some friends to participate.
Et nous a demande a MOI et qq amis de participer.

The Exibition is about the famous folding knife,
C'est une expo sur le thème des célèbres couteaux pliables,

Come and have a look, Agust the 4th! It's Here
Venez jetter un coup d'oeil, c'est le 4 Aout! C'est la

Thursday 7 July 2011

21st of june: Summer

My contribution at the "Salle Polyvalente"
Ma contribution a la "Salle Polyvalente"
This month theme was "Summer"...
Le theme du moi etait "l'été"...

Monday 20 June 2011

The Business cards

If you see me in the street, 
Si vous me voyez dans la rue,
You can ask me for one of the fallowing 
Demandez moi une de mes cartes,
Awesome business cards.
Elles tuent!
I'll be happy to give you one of them.
Je serais contant de vous en donner une.


K7 - Cassettes

Wednesday 15 June 2011

What's its Face

Say hello to "What's its face" the dinosaur! (In Red)
He's a friend of Zordrak (In Green)

Wednesday 27 April 2011

Road Trip OZ 2010 - T-shirt

I went on a road trip to Australia last year with Mcbess, Lucaca and Vince,
Je suis parti en Road Trip en Australie l'année dernière avec McBess, Lucaca et vince,

It mostly envolved, BBQ, Steacks, Hair and Facial Hair,
J'en retiens surtout less BBQ, les Steaks, les cheveux et les barbes,

Here is the  memorabilia T-Shirt that came out of it:
Voila le T-Shirt qu'il en est resorti: